Treatment Room Rental Information
New Earth has 3 treatment rooms available for rent. Please fill out the required information below and we will be in touch shortly! We look forward to having you in our space.
About our Treatment Rooms: Each room is equipped with a massage table, 1-2 chairs, lighting that can be dimmed, noise machines, diffusers, music if wanted, and carefully curated crystals for just the right energy.
The Requirements:
First, we need to understand what you are looking to do in the space.
Second, we need to know that you have your own client list (New Earth doesn’t provide the clients, however, if someone comes in asking for a practitioner that meets your modality, we will share that information with you).
Lastly, you must have insurance and you must list the business and the landlord as additional insured on the policy.
Rates: The hourly rate to rent a room is $25/hour plus a 30 minute buffer. You may use the 30 minutes at the beginning of the session at the end of the session or split it into 15 minutes on either end. We offer any length in rental from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Special requests can be handled by calling the store at 732-800-3300.
Payment Terms: Payment is required to New Earth Gifts and Services upon completion of treatment. Payment can be made by Venmo, check, or cash.
How to Book your Session: We provide you with a link to our scheduling system. You will be able to select your room and book your appointment. If you need to cancel your session, we like to have at least 8 hours notice.
If you are interested in renting space, please fill out the form below.
Do you give permission for New Earth to post your information on our services page on our website?